
How Long To Half Elves Live

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Half elves

by Alex Benson

Well here information technology is. Note that this is presented entirely in an in-character manner.

"Long has the nature and even existence of a One-half Elf. In my queries I have decided that there is no such thing as a one-half elf. Instead there are persons with a combination of the inherited traits of a human and 11 parent. No offspring falls directly halfway in between the ii parents."

"Elves are not known for their tendencies to produce offspring. At the least, elven children are brought into the world at a rate to supercede the set of parents. Elves are known to accept lovers. And in some areas are considered to be quite promiscuous. Yet, few pregnancies occur in elven females."

"It is my opinion that female person elves can activate an internal machinery to permit the reproductive wheel. This mechanism only existence enacted if the elf feels her partner is suitable to sire a child. I also presume that there must exist a mutual feeling of true affection. Therefore, the chance of offspring coming relies upon the elven female. Therefore, adventitious births are rare. A pregnancy must be wanted."

"On the other hand, humans are more set up to produce children. The female person human is in a continual country to be able to bear children. This cycle is more uncontrolled and less influenced by the woman. Nature itself seems to have control over the thing. Exist information technology a human female tin go about the motions any time she wishes."

"A human male person can reproduce just about anytime. He is non dependant upon any cycle. The chance of an offspring beingness produced nevertheless lays in the wheel of the human female. The tendency of a male to be constantly fertile is most probably the same in a human male as an elven male."

"With these notions in mind, it is easy to see that a pregnancy between an elf and human is difficult to say the least. Afterward, a child of mixed blood would be most rare. Contact betwixt the 2 races is limited for the about part. And fifty-fifty in those where contact is more commonplace, there is even so a tendency of the elves to look downwards upon the human populace."

"The majority of "one-half elves" tend to have homo mothers. I deduced that a human female is more likely to fall for a handsome elven male. And if elven males are like most homo males, they would hardly turn away the welcoming arms of a human wench. That is if the woman is attractive."

"Elven mothers are non unheard of. It is possible for a human being male of outstanding qualities to catch the fancy of an elf maiden. Usually, these affairs occur in areas such equally the Principality of Belcadiz in Glantri where the 2 peoples interact on a daily basis. Nonetheless, these incidents can occur anywhere. It is often said that love is blind, so who can really tell."

"Another source of elven mothers is a sensitive expanse. In portions of our globe, an elven maiden concubine is a symbol of prestige and power. Most human that have had the pleasance of being effectually the elves will hands admit that they are a off-white and attractive people. "

"Therefore, elven lovers are quite in demand. For the most part, these concubines are slaves, either paid for at market or taken by strength. For example, in Thyatis City a female elf recently sold for 70,000 Lucin. "

"The controlled reproductive mechanism is contradicted by this. But I accept heard tales of slaves really becoming addicted of their masters. This is specially so if the slave is well treated and even pampered as a concubine could be. Then in that location is the age in which an elf is taken as a slave. With niggling contact with other elves, the racial undertones tend to be diminished. With these aspects in heed, the reproductive cycle could exist activated by the elven female person."

"The offspring of a mixed coupling would naturally brandish inherited traits from both its homo and elven parent. As with humans, the proportions of each parent is subject to a random land. This would vary with each subsequent offspring. Basically, each child would differ from its sibling. This is axiomatic in full blooded humans likewise every bit full blooded elves. Therefore it should not exist any different with children produced by mixing these two races."

"I have noticed that offspring with elven mother tend to be more than elven. This does not eye on physical traits but more and then on the inherited elven traits such as build, infravision, and spellcasting ability. I assume that this is due to the connection between female parent and child. A elven mother carries the child for almost 2 years, whether it be of an elven or human being father. Some say that a kid and mother share the same blood during gestation. Peradventure, this is cause for the child's tendency to be more than like its mother."

"A human mother therefore bears a more human child. She carries the unborn babe for a standard nine months, just as she would a normal child. This briefer gestation period could practice much to explicate the lessening of certain traits. "

"Once the kid is born, many actions take identify to influence his or her life. The deciding factor is again the female parent. "

"An elven mother will raise its child equally an elf. As such, she volition pass along elven noesis. It should be noted that the human father is more likely to remain in the child'south life. A disappointing non is that elven mothers of mixed children are ordinarily viewed with disgust by other elves. "

"A human being mother would essentially heighten the child like a human. Lilliputian of the child'south elven heritage would exist passed down. In many cases, the elven begetter does not stay around to come across his child mature. Most persons of such parentage that I accept spoken to point out that their elven male parent was not present. Most exercise not even know the identity of their father. This is surely a tragedy."

"Equally stated, I have spoken at length with several persons produced from parents of the man and elven race. Most exhibit traits of each parent race. The disposition and intensity vary from one to another. I once spoke to a person who looked very much like an elf merely lacked the ability to see in the night. While another looked very much like her Alphatian parent with her copper toned skin but could see in the nighttime upward to lx feet. Another appeared to be in her twenties simply was really some ninety years former. It should be noted that one matter each did have in mutual was a trend to have a slim build, ears pointed, and beingness quite attractive."

"Growing up is almost difficult for the child. Amidst elves, they are seen as outcasts that take purloined the elven lineage. Among humans they are ofttimes viewed with suspicion. But I suspect this uneasiness would exist displayed upon a full blooded elf as well. Of note is the draw of attention a person of elven heritage exacts from the contrary sex. Obviously, the fair looks of the elven parent have passed down as well every bit the dashing figure of the homo portion which drew the attention of the elf."

"Every bit mentioned, lifespans of mixed children varies from their apparent historic period. Elves live for centuries. Humans for decades. The mixing of traits affords the child some of the benefits of its elven parent. Lifespans usually exceed that of a human. Most of the time, lifespans accomplish i hundred to i hundred fifty years. Some sources report of "half elves" living lives every bit long as 3 hundred years."

"A mixed child, whether born of elven or human being mother matures at a like rate as a human until information technology reaches puberty. Then the ageing process slows in pace."

"The run a risk of magical ability is every bit present in these people no affair if the mother was elven or human. Even so, the presence of an elven mother does much to insure some preparation into the use of magic. Those of human being mothers must seek magical training from other sources."

"Of note, is the harsh and often tragic life a "one-half elf" lives. To elves, 1 is a human and often termed an abomination. To humans, one is an elf. He or she is essentially a social outcast. Friends are hard to detect. Humans are the main source of friends. And those that can exist considered friends oft abound old and die well ahead of the "half elf". Every bit such, it must be a difficult thing to watch your friends age while ane remains young."

"Also of note is the deviation of a mixed persons power. Whereas a full blooded elf tends to cease at a certain point in regards to weapons skill and spell advancement, this doe not seem to affect the mixed breed. Those with the power to cast wizard spells detect no hindrances to their spell inventory. "

"Likewise, the person is more open up to the various styles of hero types. Ane I spoke to was a cleric. Some other a spellcasting warrior. I even focused all of her attentions towards wizardly spells. And though I cannot divulge his identity, there is a mixed person acting every bit an assassin for a certain Thieves Order in Thyatis City."

"There is talk from the elves of a true One-half Elf. However, few are willing to speak of such a creature. What has been determined is that such a person is a perfect combination of the all-time traits of both the elven and homo races. Most elves dismiss the person as mere myth. Several have hinted at some deep and possibly dark lore nearly the nascency of such a person. Unfortunately, elves are reluctant to discuss the mixed children and the legendary Half Elf. If pressed they will often brandish hostility. As such, I doubtable the Half Elf Legend holds some bearing to them that they wish not to divulge. Perchance such a beingness is an omen or harbinger of things to come up."

"Now you may enquire about the children of these persons of mixed heritage. Well, I know of only ane that has a child. Unfortunately, the father will not allow me to examine the male child to assess the possible traits he may have. And given the persons, status and reputation and would be ill advised for myself to pursue the matter without the father'southward blessing."

As submitted to the Karameikan School of Magic researched and written by Sergei Terov


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