
Can An Illiterate Person Register To Vote In Nc

Literacy is a primal skill and a key measure of a population's teaching. In this entry we discuss historical trends, too equally recent developments in literacy.

From a historical perspective, literacy levels for the world population have risen drastically in the final couple of centuries. While just 12% of the people in the earth could read and write in 1820, today the share has reversed: only 14% of the world population, in 2016, remained illiterate. Over the last 65 years the global literacy rate increased by 4% every 5 years – from 42% in 1960 to 86% in 2015.1

Despite large improvements in the expansion of bones didactics, and the continuous reduction of instruction inequalities, in that location are substantial challenges alee. The poorest countries in the earth, where bones education is near likely to exist a bounden constraint for development, even so accept very large segments of the population who are illiterate. In Niger, for example, the literacy rate of the youth (15-24 years) is merely 36.5%.

All our charts on Literacy

Global literacy today

Of the world population older than 15 years 86% are literate. This interactive map shows how the literacy rates varies betwixt countries around the globe.

In many countries more than 95% have basic literacy skills. Literacy skills of the majority of the population is a mod achievement as nosotros prove below.

Globally all the same, big inequalities remain, notably betwixt sub-Saharan Africa and the residue of the world. In Burkina Faso, Niger and South Sudan – the African countries at the lesser of the rank – literacy rates are still below 30%.

Historical change in literacy

Global literacy has grown substantially in the last two centuries

While the primeval forms of written communication date back to almost 3,500-iii,000 BCE, literacy remained for centuries a very restricted applied science closely associated with the practice of power. It was only until the Center Ages that book production started growing and literacy among the general population slowly started becoming important in the Western World.2 In fact, while the appetite of universal literacy in Europe was a fundamental reform born from the Enlightenment, it took centuries for it to happen. It was just in the 19th and 20th centuries that rates of literacy approached universality in early-industrialized countries.

The following visualization presents estimates of world literacy for the menstruation 1800-2016. Every bit we can see, literacy rates grew constantly just rather slowly until the beginning of the twentieth century. And the rate of growth actually climbed after the middle of the 20th century, when the expansion of bones education became a global priority. You lot can read more than about the expansion of pedagogy systems around the earth in our entry on Financing Pedagogy.

When did literacy kickoff increasing in Europe?

The following visualization shows the spread of literacy in Europe since the 15th century, based on estimates from Buringh and Van Zanden (2009).3

As it tin be seen, the ascension levels of instruction in Europe foreshadowed the emergence of mod societies.

Particularly fast improvements in literacy took identify across Northwest Europe in the catamenia 1600-1800. As we discuss below, widespread literacy is considered a legacy of the Age of Enlightenment.

The ambition of universal literacy in Europe was a reform born of the Enlightenment

This chart shows historical estimates of literacy in England over the last five centuries.

The historical estimates are based on the percent of men women who could sign documents, a very basic definition of literacy that is frequently used in historical research on education.iv

The first observations refer to men and women in the diocese of Norwich, which lies to the Northeast of London. Here, the majority of men (61%) were unable to write their name in the belatedly 16th century; for women it was much lower.

Past 1840 two-thirds of men and about half of women were literate in England. The expansion of education led to a reduction in education gender inequality. Towards the end of the 19th century the share had increased to almost 3-quarters for both genders.

Every bit the center of the Industrial Revolution and 1 of the first countries that established democratic institutions, England was in important aspects the middle of the development of modernity.

The data shows that improvements in literacy preceded the Industrial Revolution and in many ways the rise of living standards became only possible thanks to an increasingly improve educated public. Economic growth is possible when we better understand how to produce the things we need, and translate these insights into technological improvements that allow the states to produce them more efficiently. Both the development of new technologies (innovation) and their use in product relied on a much better-educated population.

Widespread school education and even basic skills like literacy are a very recent achievement that was enabled and at the same time required past the progress achieved in contempo generations.

Literacy in the uk since 1580 1

Literacy and access to instruction accept increased around the world

The visualization shows, in 2 panels, a side-by-side comparing of long-term trends in school attendance and literacy.

We tin can see that in 1870 only one in iv people in the world attended school, and this meant that just one in five were able to read. And global inequalities in access to teaching were very big.

Today, in contrast, the global estimates of literacy and school attendance are higher up lxxx%, and the inequality between world regions – while still existing – is much lower.

We can encounter that two centuries ago just a small elite of the world population had the power to read and write – the all-time gauge is that 12% of the world population was literate. Over the class of the 19th century global literacy more doubled. And over the course of the 20th century the world achieved rapid progress in education. More than 4 out of 5 people are now able to read. Young generations are better educated than ever earlier.

Rising education around the world school and literacy

In the The states, the expansion of literacy helped reduce within-land inequalities

The expansion of literacy in early-industrialized countries helped reduce within-land inequalities. In the preceding visualization nosotros showed that England about airtight literacy gender gaps past 1900. Here we provide show of literacy gaps across races in the U.s..

The post-obit visualization shows illiteracy rates by race for the period 1870-1979. As nosotros tin run across, in order to reach almost universal levels of literacy, the US had to close the race gap. This was eventually achieved around 1980.

Percent of persons 14 years old and over in the Usa who were illiterate by race, 1870-1979 – Our Globe in Information, with data from NCES5
Screen shot 2018 01 11 at 12.37.22 pm

Latin America has made huge improvements in literacy in the final century

As pointed out above, Europe pioneered the expansion of basic education – only global literacy rates but started really climbing in the 2d half of the 20th century, when the expansion of bones education became a global priority. Here we present show of important recent achievements in Latin America, where literacy has dramatically increased in the past century.

As it can be seen, many nations accept gained xl-50 percentage points in literacy during this period.

Despite these improvements, even so, there is still a wide disparity between nations. Here you can run across that, at the turn of the 21st century, one-half of the population in poor countries such as Republic of haiti remains illiterate. This motivates the next visualization, where we discuss cross-state heterogeneity in more particular.

Literacy around the world today

  • Literacy past generation
  • Literacy by sex

Literacy past generation

To assess the extent to which progress can be expected in the years to come, it is user-friendly to suspension downwardly literacy estimates by age groups. The following map, using data from UNESCO, shows such estimates for most countries in the world.

Equally it can exist seen, in the majority of nations there is a large divergence in literacy rates across generations (you can change the map to prove literacy rates for different groups past clicking on the respective buttons at the pinnacle).

These large differences across generations indicate to a global trend: the high literacy rate among the youth indicates that as time passes, the literacy rate for the overall population will continue to increment.

World maps of the literacy rate by age grouphalf dozen
Literacy rate by generation world map

Northern Africa and the Middle Eastward accept drastically improved literacy in just one generation

Nosotros highlighted above the fact that virtually depression and middle income countries feature big differences in literacy rates across generations. The visualization shows specifically how remarkably large these differences are in Northern Africa and the Eye E. Using UNESCO information, these maps show that in many countries in these regions, only less than a 3rd of the older generation is literate – while in contrast, more than 90% of the younger generation is literate.

The scatter plot emphasises the point already made. As you tin see, younger generations are more likely to be literate than older generations effectually the earth. And in some countries the gaps are dramatic. In People's democratic republic of algeria, for example, the literacy rate among the youth (15-24 years) is close to 97%; while it is 28% among the older population (65+ years).

In the chart you tin can use the slider at the bottom to check how these generational gaps have been changing in contempo decades. You lot can see that throughout Africa the changes have been mainly horizontal (i.e. gaps take been widening as there have been radical recent improvements specifically benefiting the younger population). This is in contrast to richer regions, such as Europe, where the expansion of education started earlier and equally a event changes have been mainly vertical (e.g. in Portugal the literacy charge per unit amongst the youth was already loftier in 1980; and so connected education expansion has meant that literacy rates are today virtually equally loftier across the entire Portuguese population).

Literacy by sex activity

The visualization shows that particularly in many poorer countries the literacy rate for young women is lower than the rate for immature men.

This chart shows the literacy rate past sex activity over time.
This visualization shows the ratio of the literacy rate between young women and men around the world.


Increasing numeracy skills over the long run

Numeracy is the power to understand and work with numbers. The visualization shows how this basic ability became more mutual in populations around the world based on a very bones definition of numeracy, the ability to correctly state ane's own age.

Numeracy skills today

Compared to the data on literacy we have less information on numeracy skills in the world today. Some information comes from PIAAC, the OECD's survey of the skills of adults. A world map of these scores tin be institute here.

The scatter plot shows how adults in OECD countries scored in the literacy and numeracy dimension. We run into that the two aspects are closely correlated, those countries that have loftier literacy too take high numeracy.

PIAAC is simply bachelor for the very recent past, but it tin can still requite us some insights of how numeracy skills in the globe have inverse. If we compare the numeracy scores of the immature cohort with the older accomplice in a scatterplot nosotros find that in nigh countries numeracy skills take recently increased.

Measurement today

Common methods and data sources

In the chart nosotros present a breakup of UNESCO literacy estimates, showing the main methodologies used, and how these have changed over time. (To explore changes across time employ the slider underneath the map.)

The breakdown covers four categories: cocky-reported literacy alleged straight past individuals, self-reported literacy alleged by the caput of the household, tested literacy from proficiency examinations, and indirect estimation or extrapolation.

In most cases, the categories covering 'self-reports' (green and orangish) correspond to estimates of literacy that rely on answers provided to a simple yes/no question request people if they can read and write.

The category 'indirect estimation' (black) corresponds mainly to estimates that rely on indirect bear witness from educational attainment, usually based on the highest caste of completed education.

In this table you notice details regarding all literacy definitions and sources, land past country, and how we categorised them for the purpose of this nautical chart.

This chart is telling us that:

  • In that location is substantial cross-country variation, with contempo estimates covering all four measurement methods.
  • There is variation within countries across time (e.g. Mexico switches betwixt self-reports and extrapolation).
  • The number of countries that base their estimates on cocky-reports and testing is increasing.

Some other mode to dissect the aforementioned data, is to classify literacy estimates according to the blazon of measurement instrument used to collect the relevant data. In the adjacent chart we explore this, splitting estimates into three categories: sampling, including data from literacy tests and household surveys; census data; and other instruments (east.g. administrative information on school enrollment).

Here we can see that most countries utilise sampling instruments (coded as 'surveys' in the map), although in the past census data was more common. Literacy surveys have the potential of being more authentic – when the sampling is done correctly – because they allow for more specific and detailed measurement than brusque and generic questions in population censuses.

Data quality: Challenges and limitations

Equally mentioned above, recent data on literacy is often based on a single question included in national population censuses or household surveys presented to respondents higher up a certain age, where literacy skills are cocky-reported. The question is ofttimes phrased as "tin can you lot read and write?". These self-reports of literacy skills have several limitations:

  • Elementary questions such equally "can yous read and write?" frame literacy as a skill you either possess or exercise not when, in reality, literacy is a multi-dimensional skill that exists on a continuum.
  • Cocky-reports are subjective, in that the question is dependent on what each individual understands by "reading" and "writing". The form of a word may exist familiar enough for a respondent to remember its sound or meaning without actually 'reading' it. Similarly, when writing out one'due south proper noun to convey written ability, this can be achieved past 'cartoon' a familiar shape rather than writing in an effort to produce a written text with pregnant.
  • In many cases surveys inquire only one individual to study literacy on behalf of the unabridged household. This indirect reporting potentially introduces further noise, in item when it comes to estimating literacy amongst women and children, since these groups are less frequently considered 'caput of household' in the surveys.

Similarly, inferring literacy from data on educational attainment is as well problematic, since schooling does not produce literacy in the same way everywhere: Proficiency tests evidence that in many depression-income countries, a large fraction of second-grade primary-school students cannot read a single word of a brusque text; and for very few people in these countries going to school for 4 or five years guarantees basic literacy.

Even at a conceptual level there is lack of consensus – national definitions of literacy that are based on educational attainment vary essentially from country to country. For example, in Hellenic republic people are considered literate if they have finished 6 years of chief education; while in Paraguay yous authorize equally literate if you have completed two years of primary school.7

New perspectives through standardized literacy tests

Given the limitations of self-reported or indirectly inferred literacy estimates, efforts are being made at both national and international levels to conduct standardized literacy tests to assess proficiency in a systematic way.

In particular, big cross-land assessment surveys have been developed to overcome the challenges of producing comparable literacy data. Two of import examples are the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), which is a test used for measuring literacy mostly in rich countries; and the Literacy Cess and Monitoring Programme (LAMP), which is a household cess aimed at measuring literacy skills in developing countries, while remaining comparable beyond countries, languages, and scripts.eight

The LAMP tests have just recently been field tested in four countries: Hashemite kingdom of jordan, Mongolia, Palestine, and Paraguay. The PIAAC tests, on the other hand, have been administered in about 30 countries, and the results are shown in the chart.9

Nosotros only have these tests for a few countries, but we can notwithstanding encounter that in that location is an overall positive correlation. Moreover, we come across that there is substantial variation in scores even for countries with identical and almost perfect literacy rates (e.g. Japan vs Italy). This confirms the fact that PIAAC tests capture a related, but broader concept of literacy.

Reconstructing estimates from the past

Demography data

The UNESCO definition of "people who tin, with agreement, read and write a brusque, simple statement on their everyday life", started existence recorded in census data from the end of the 19th century onwards. Hence, despite variation on the types of questions and demography instruments used, these historical demography data remain the best source of data on literacy for the period prior 1990.

The longest series attempting to reconstruct literacy estimates from historical census data is provided in the OECD report "How Was Life? Global Well-being since 1820", published in 2014. This is the source used in the start chart in this blog mail for the period 1800 to 1990.10

How authentic are these UNESCO estimates?

The bear witness suggests that the narrow concept of literacy measured in early census data provides an imperfect, yet informative account of literacy skills. The chart shows a good example: As we can come across, already in 1947, census estimates from the US correlate strongly with educational attainment, equally one would expect.

Importantly, the correlation between educational attainment and literacy also holds beyond countries and over time. The next chart shows this by plotting changes in literacy rates and average years of schooling. Each country in this chart is represented past a line, where the beginning and catastrophe points correspond to the first and terminal bachelor observation of these 2 variables over the period 1970-2010. (Equally we mention above, before 1990 almost all observations correspond to census data.)

As we can see, literacy rates tend to be much higher in countries where people tend to have more than years of educational activity; and as average years of education go up in a land, literacy rates likewise go up.

Countries with high literacy rates also tend to accept college results in the basic literacy tests included in the DHS surveys (this is a exam that requires survey respondents to read a sentence showed to them). Every bit nosotros tin run across in the nautical chart, there is evidently noise, but these 2 variables are closely related.

Other historical sources

When census data is not bachelor, a mutual method used to approximate literacy is to summate the share of people who could sign official documents (e.g. court documents, spousal relationship certificates, etc).11

Equally the researcher Jeremiah Dittmar explains, this approach only gives a lower bound of the estimates because the number of people who could read was higher than the number who could write.

Indeed, other methods have been proposed, in order to rely on historical estimates of people who could read. For instance, researchers Eltjo Buringh and January Luiten van Zanden deduce literacy rates from estimated per capita book consumption. 12 As Buringh and Van Zanden show, their estimates based on book consumption are different, but still fairly shut to alternative estimates based on signed documents.

Data Sources

CIA Factbook

  • Data: Literacy rate for the entire population
  • Geographical coverage: Global – by land
  • Time span: 2011 or most recent earlier estimate (in some cases going back several decades)
  • Bachelor here


  • Data: Literacy rate (for youths (fifteen-24), adults (15+) and the elderly population (65+))
  • Geographical coverage: Global – by country
  • Fourth dimension bridge: Since 1975 – scattered and far from annual data
  • Bachelor at: It is online here, and it is visualized hither.
  • The UNDP'south Human Development Report data is here, and UNICEF publishes data on literacy rate here.
  • Older older publications including data on literacy rates are:
    UNESCO (2002) – Estimated Illiteracy Rate and Illiterate Population Aged 15 Years and Older by Country, 1970–2015, Paris.
    UNESCO (1970) – Literacy 1967–1969 Progress Achieved in Literacy Throughout the Globe. Paris (1970)
    UNESCO (1957) – Globe illiteracy at mid-century – A Statistical Study, Paris.
    UNESCO (1953) – Progress of literacy in various countries – A Preliminary Statistical Study of Available Census Data since 1900, Paris.

World Banking concern – World Evolution Indicators

  • Data: Literacy rate
  • Geographical coverage: Global – by country (non past region). There are well-nigh no data for rich industrialized countries – only for developing countries.
  • Fourth dimension span: Since 1975 – scattered
  • Bachelor at:
    • Annual data on 'Literacy rate, developed total (% of people ages fifteen and higher up)' – going back to 1975
    • Annual data on 'Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24)' – going back to 1975 (this information is besides published for males and females separately)
  • This information is taken from the UNESCO.

Peter Flora'due south data

  • Data: Literacy rate
  • Geographical coverage: Mostly Western Europe
  • Time span: 19th and 20th century
  • Available at: Ii important publications are: Peter Flora (1983 & 1987) – State, Economy, and Order in Western Europe 1815–1975: A Data Handbook in two Volumes. Frankfurt, New York: Campus; London: Macmillan Press; Chicago: St. James Press and Peter Flora (1973) – Historical processes of social mobilization: urbanization and literacy, 1850–1965. In S.N. Eisenstadt, S. Rokkan (Eds.), Building States and Nations: Models and Data Resources, Sage, London, pp. 213–258.

OxLAD – Oxford Latin American Economic History Data Base

  • Data: Illiteracy rate (pct of developed population)
  • Geographical coverage: Latin American countries
  • Fourth dimension span: Since 1900
  • Available at: Online here

OECD Skills Outlook

  • Data: Measures of numeracy and literacy competence
  • Geographical coverage: 24 OECD countries
  • Fourth dimension span: no fourth dimension series dimension – only 2012
  • Available at: Online here
  • Presents the initial results of the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC)


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